Injustice for All is a special report from the desk of Mary Lyn Hammer that takes you on a journey through well-documented evidence of the U.S. Department of Education’s consistent pattern of data manipulation, misreporting, and strategic lack of reporting that drives the agendas that threaten to annihilate American education ideals.
Publisher: Champion Empowerment Institute
Details: 6×9, 312 pages
Features: 96 data tables with detailed analysis plus evidence images; index, glossary
ISBNS: 978-0-9970978-0-1 (paperback)
978-0-9970978-1-8 (ebook)

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AGENDA ITEM #1 was accomplished with disastrous results, ruining the finances of nearly 403,000* student borrowers with defaults that never should have occurred and were the result of the DOE’s mismanagement of the transition to 100% direct lending. When Ms. Hammer made DOE officials aware of the tragedy unfolding for students who had CORRECTLY filed and been approved for deferments, forbearances, and payment options and whose status was NOT correctly transferred to the new federal conduit servicer, the DOE officials chose to do nothing to correct the situation and allowed innocent students to go into default.
*After publication of Injustice for All, the estimate of 403,000 affected borrowers was updated based on methodology agreed upon in Congressional meetings.
AGENDA ITEM #2 is well on its way because the DOE has manipulated reporting to hide substandard performance at public institutions and purposefully defamed the reputations of many high-performing for-profit institutions, jeopardizing our freedom of educational choice.
The 2015 Official FY 2012 Cohort Default Rate (CDR) data actually shows that:
- half of proprietary institutions have default rates under 15%;
- the CDR for the public and proprietary sectors net the exact same average rate of 13.7%;
- and the public sector has 91,563 more defaults than the proprietary sector.
In reality, data for gainful employment (GE) FY 2011 information rates shows that proprietary annual payments were GROSSLY EXAGGERATED. When the correct calculations were used, only 6 out of 7,847 proprietary programs actually failed all three metrics—the real reason for the DOE’s inclusion of the “zone” in the second final GE federal regulations known as GE 2.0 is it didn’t have the desired number of failing programs using correct annual payment calculations. But, none of this is what the DOE is reporting for sector-level performance.
And there’s more… Injustice for All is a special report that takes the reader through the compelling evidence and motivation of the DOE’s manipulation of facts and misreporting that, in the end, covers up its own lack of accountability and epic failures that are annihilating our higher education system. Americans deserve to know the truth so they can stand up and do something to stop the U.S. Department of Education from taking us down a path that will hurt ALL American citizens; a path of growing ignorance and increasing dependency on entitlement programs.
Ms. Hammer challenges us to examine this audited information to ensure the future of an American higher education system that benefits ALL citizens rather than serving political agendas.

This Special Report
offers facts, evidence, and offers logical solutions to reverse the defaults for innocent student borrowers, ideas to improve accountability, and implementable standards that protect students, schools, and the federal fiscal interest.