Table of Contents

IFA-Logo-SealInjustice for All Table of Contents

I. Manifesto. Injustice for All: The Truth about the Annihilation of American Education Ideals

  • Analysis Reveals the Manipulative Agendas
  • The Motivation Behind These Agendas
  • Student Loan Default Rates Are Used as a Measure of Quality Education
  • The Gainful Employment Agenda
  • FY 2011 GE Informational Rates Were Incomplete, Inaccurate, and Misled Public Opinion about Results
  • Does There Appear to Be Another Agenda with GE?
  • Equal Application of Quality Metrics
  • Is Tax-Filing Status Really an Indicator of Good or Bad Quality in Education?
  • Freedom of Education Is Important
  • Education Is One of Many Freedoms Being Compromised
  • How Many of Us Are Already Living the Life of a Zombie?

II. History: Cohort Default Rates, Gainful Employment and Other Related Issues

  • How Did Defaulted Student Loan Dollars Land in the Government’s General Fund?
  • Defining Cohort Default Rates and Early Amendments to Refine These Laws
  • The 2000 Negotiated Rulemaking Committee
  • The Grijalva-Bishop Amendment
  • October 2009 Rulemaking Committees Results
  • The History of Gainful Employment
  • Where Did Gainful Employment Begin?
  • Blatant Manipulation Threatens to Annihilate American Higher Education Opportunities
  • Gainful Employment Manipulation
  • At the Same Time, the Crisis with Transition to 100% Direct Lending Began
  • Expansion of the “Pay-As-You-Earn” Repayment Plan
  • When the Government Is Running a “Direct Loan Program,” Who Has Accountability Oversight?

III. CDR Reporting Inaccuracies: National Cohort Default Rate

  • Eliminating the Private Sector in Federal Student Loans
  • Transitioning to a 3-year Cohort Default Rate
  • Overpromised, Under-Delivered and Now Lying about It
  • What Else Does the Actual Loan Holder Data Show?
  • Where Did the Direct Loan Volume Go?
  • Why Wouldn’t Databases Used to Determine Title IV Eligibility Be Consistent?
  • Institution Cohort Default Rate Manipulation
  • Exactly WHAT Was Adjusted?
  • Was There Another Reason for the ADJUSTMENT?
  • Institution Cohort Default Rates
  • Issues with the DOE iCDR Briefings

IV. CDR Manipulation: Who Is Really Responsible?

  • Consistent Inaccuracies
  • Federal Student Loan Servicer Allocations Have Been Based in Part upon Default Rates
  • Authority for Deferment and Forbearance Eligibility
  • Schools Are Mandated to Perform Borrower Counseling
  • School Requirements for Borrower Education
  • What Does the Government Stand to Gain?
  • Taking a Look at Who Has the Most to Gain from CDR Manipulation
  • Summary: CDR Manipulation Based on Fact
  • Facts about Student Loans and Interested Parties to the Loans
  • Federal Direct Loan Servicer Allocation Methodology
  • September 2012 Career Education Review Article Highlighting Ms. Hammer’s Response to TICAS CDR Manipulation Allegations

V. Gainful Employment Manipulation: Why Did the Government Release GE” Streamlined” Rates Lacking Backup Data Details to the Public?

  • Sham-Filled Rates and Measures Details

VI. Sector–Level Performance Data: Examining All the Facts to Determine What the Data Really Shows

  • An Objective, Spin-free Review of Sector Data Facts
  • Good Quality CDR Indicators
  • Bad Quality CDR Indicators
  • The College Navigator Database
  • The College Scorecard Did Not Equally or Accurately Represent All Schools
  • The “New” College Scorecard: Different Format, Still Inaccurate and Misleading
  • Can Parents and Students Make Wise Decisions with College Scorecard?

VII. 2015 iCDR Shows One Point of Consistency: Will the DOE and the Administration Continue This Assault on Education?

  • 2015 Official FY 2012 iCDRs
  • 2015 Official FY 2012 Loan Holder Default Rates
  • 2015 CDR Conclusions

VIII. The Impact: What Effect Do Repayment Schedules Have on Borrower Success?

  • The Link between At-risk Student Loan Borrowers and ARM/Subprime Mortgage Borrowers
  • The ARM Parallel
  • The Interest Rate Impact
  • Eliminating the One-Size-Fits-All Repayments
  • Methodology for Example Calculations

IX. Legislative Solutions That Promote Accountability

  • Legislative Solutions Including a New Student Loan Program Based on Accountability
  • Destiny Is a Choice
  • Legislative Solutions for Students: Teaching and Rewarding Financial Accountability
  • Correcting the Reason for the CDR Adjustments in 2014
  • Correcting the High DOE-Controlled CDRs for Students
  • Correcting the High DOE-Controlled CDRs for Schools
  • Budgeting and Finance in the Students’ Best Interest
  • Payment Schedules That Promote Long-Term Success and Support the Federal Fiscal Interest
  • Serving the Students’ Best Interest
  • Loan and Grant Programs That Reward Good Behavior
  • Gainful Employment 2.0: Existing Regulations Are Based on Inaccurate and Misleading Reporting and Should Be Eliminated
  • Creating a Student Loan Program with Accountability
  • Accountability Brings Strength to America and Its Citizens

Injustice for All: Summaries and Conclusions

  • Facts Recap on the Reasons for Plan to Eliminate FFEL Program
  • The Injustices of Implementing Plans to Eliminate For-profit Proprietary Schools
  • Third Party Servicer Audits: Are the Changes an Excuse for a Witch Hunt?
  • Where Do We Go from Here?

Epilogue: Primary and Secondary Education

  • Common Core, No Child Left Behind, and the 2015 Reauthorization of the ESEA Changing a Culture of Education That FAILS for Students
  • Learning, Teaching, and Testing
  • The Fix?
  • Technological and Practical Distractions
  • Teaching Discernment Is Critical
  • Applied Discernment
  • The Remedial Dilemma
  • Changing a Broken System to Save Our Children and Our Country

(Also includes 96 tables of data analysis and evidence, plus index and glossary.)



Injustice for All is a special report that takes you on a journey through well-documented evidence of the U.S. Department of Education’s consistent pattern of data manipulation, misreporting, and strategic lack of reporting that drives the agendas that threaten to annihilate American education ideals.

Publisher: Champion Empowerment Institute
Details: 6×9, 312 pages
Features: 96 data tables with detailed analysis plus evidence images; index, glossary

ISBNS: 978-0-9970978-0-1 (paperback) 978-0-9970978-1-8 (ebook)