Dear friends,
Injustice for All is a highly-detailed 312-page special report, indexed, with 96 charts and tables, that I believe will help to stabilize the education industry and inspire productive reform.
The facts and evidence I gathered took thousands of hours to compile and analyze plus a six-figure personal investment to complete.

I did not want to simply point fingers and so I went beyond the facts by including realistic solutions, for example:
- Providing a plan to reverse the defaults for innocent student borrowers who were victims of loan servicer transfer errors
- Giving realistic methods to improve accountability for students, schools and the DOE
- Outlining implementable standards that protect students, schools, and the federal fiscal interest
With your support through donations and/or purchasing this report, we can:
- Afford the necessary staff to get the information out to the general public through mainstream and social media outlets in a timely manner
- Monitor and then address issues that occur which threaten to destroy our freedom of educational choice
- Work to stop bullying tactics that result in unjust school closures by encouraging Congress to ensure due process for schools before sanctions are implemented that have historically resulted in the closing of some innocent schools
- Encourage DOE to follow the law and be held accountable for quality reporting, transparency and equal monitoring standards of ALL schools
- Travel to attend conferences and legislative events to educate the schools on the issues we have uncovered and possible solutions
All of these factors threaten the very quality of education in our country and the reputations of hard-working schools and students. I have personally invested in this cause all that I can and now am depending on your donations to continue.
Mary Lyn Hammer
We greatly appreciated the donations to fund this research and help distribute the valuable information contained in Injustice for All to lawmakers in January 2016.
The U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Health, Education, and the Workforce has begun questioning the DOE about these issues but continued support will be needed to make corrections for students in the 2016 reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965.
Thank you for your support of bringing this important work to American Citizens!
Your generous support will be used to fund:
- Ongoing research and studies
- The independent analysis of DOE reports and verification by 3rd parties
- Travel expenses such as airline tickets, lodging, event space, hotel rooms
- Awareness campaigns by paying publicity staff and purchasing ads
- Ongoing overhead expenses and staffing needs
- We need bloggers and reporters please help us distribute facts from the report to build public awareness
- Publicity volunteers we need you to help us connect with influential media outlets
- Giving travel vouchers helps us continue to afford to attend important events
- Helping with simple expenses like office supplies, flyer printing and postage costs will help us distribute information and build awareness
- We also appreciate donations of complementary advertising space, conference or event space to help us reach key people and build awareness
- Use these instructions to contact congress as inspiration to write a letter requesting action or sharing your experiences
- Share our blog or links to the information on this site through your own social media connections
Please share this!
Purchasing Injustice for All gets you the information and helps support the work. Please consider:
- Getting a copy of the report for yourself
- Buying extra copies of the report to provide a copy to attendees of your conferences or events
- Giving the report as a gift to your colleagues
- Writing to your government representative and include a copy of the report